Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Great Software

I'd just like to say I think existing Free Software and Open Source Software (and, for that matter, public domain software) is great - really, really great. Sometimes people give it a really hard time, saying things like it's rubbish or poor quality or just a rip-off of commercial software.

However, I just think that they are griping for no reason. They don't have to use it! Of course there are loads of abandoned applications on places like sourceforge and elsewhere that are not finished, and others that are worked by learning coders who write terrible code with bugs everywhere that may never be finished. However, it's not like an infinite number of monkeys that produce the occasional gem. The good ones are well know and work well. Additionally, and of critical importance, many are written by commercial companys as well as professional programmers in their spare time and not just hobbists in bedrooms at night as some suggest. I guess most big projects have some combination of the above.

Additionally the whole 'rip-off commercial software' angle tends to focus on the desktop environments of KDE and Gnome. I'm not going to answer that directly but will ask two things: Is a 'natural' bar on selling, effectively, the same software for eternity all bad? Should we restrict the freedom of people or companies to develop competing software that they decide they should give away for free unless there is a another very compelling additional reason to stop them? On the last point think of two situations: browsers and Free Operating Systems.

This is getting way too deep and philosophical!

Let me re-focus on what I wanted to do and give you a list, in no particular order, of some great Free Software and Open Source software that comes to mind. I'm sure there won't be any surprises and I know there will be many, many things missing that I'll kick myself for later.
  • gcc ... the great, the wonderful, compiler collection.
  • cvs ... maybe showing it's age but in other respects still revolutionary and even with all the known flaws still out-performs some current commercial SCM programs.
  • The Linux Kernel
  • FreeBSD
  • OpenBSD
  • NetBSD
  • OpenSSH
  • Apache
  • Perl
  • Python
  • cvstrac ... a less known program but no less great ... a web interface to cvs (and others) plus bug tracking plus wiki pages.
  • Ruby
  • Lua
  • Firefox
  • Mozilla
  • Eclipse ... Java based IDE
  • Dev-C++
  • MySQL ... open source database
  • PHP
  • Blender ... great open source 3D design package
  • GDB ... the debugger
  • OpenOffice
  • Tcl
  • Nethack
  • SDL
  • Subversion
You might note that there are a lot of programming languages and programming related things on this list. This is not suprising for I'm a programmer! Additionally programmers work on F/OSS so programming related things tend to be done well.

And that's all I've got to say for now.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Dealing with feedback

We've had some good and bad feedback from Zex. I thought it might be interesting to write about the types of feedback we generally get for the software we write, not just Zex, and how we deal with it.

We get feedback via multiple sources: emails, forums, download site rating reviews, web-site reviews and magazine reviews.

For a released program very minor things or bug fixes are done nearly straight away but big ideas or major suggestions get put into the melting pot for a major release. These things are relatively easy to plan for although deciding what good ideas go in is more like a process of deciding what to leave out. I think people also know what they expect from a specific program, which makes it easier.

The only possible time for a new program is during testing before release - hence we like to do beta test. At the end of the day we want people to find our programs likeable and able to satisfying a need. This applies to games as much as (if not more so) than applications since people don't expect games to have major updates (I guess because that's what traditionally happens?). It plays havoc with the schedules, of course, but unless you are going to ignore all comments (and why are you doing beta testing?) then you have to allow time to fix things that are wrong.

One way of classifying feedback would be these categories:
  • Bug reports
  • General likes and dislikes
  • Wide and sweeping statements
Bug reports are easy. You just need to decide whether it's important enough to fix. Not all bugs need fixing especially if they are very minor or might not even be a bug. Very low priority bugs (low priority for your users/customers and you) aren't valuable enough for your users/customers to 'pay' for (either in delay in shipping higher priority bugs or in money terms). This applies to free and open source as much as commercial. It's better to ship than spend forever fixing the unimportant.

General likes and dislikes are good as well although more difficult to deal with. For example: Graphics not good enough? The question is, although it will obviously effect usage/sales, the opposite could be worst - delaying for months to fix the graphics will lose sales and benefit to users now. This is slightly different for a retail commercial game: you get one shot - once it peaks most games disappear (although I guessing development shops have money only for so many months). So you have to try to make a logical decision.

Wide and sweeping statements are almost impossible to deal with: "terrible and primitive" - what do you do with that? It not specific enough - do they mean graphics, game play, crashes, what? In this case it was a review where there is no ability to reply. Another example was a general comment regarding "gameplay" - gameplay is that thing that is everything in games but also nothing. I guess you need to take a long hard look at the game and see whether they are correct and/or if it warrants anything being done because of that comment. Obviously you could decide to delay development and change major sections; even then you might not address the specific issues. It's a tough one. And you are never going to win everybody over - especially in subjective things like games, music, films, etc.

Even if you assume the review is not meant for the authors ... how is it helpful to someone looking for a game to play? One of the problems with the "reviews" on download sites is that they aren't a review. They are usually a one line sweeping statement by someone who doesn't write for a living and you hope (both as an author and as a user looking for something) that enough people comment to get a balanced view. I'm not saying these type of reviews should be scrapped. What other choice is there to decide whether to look at a specific program? There is a lot of software produced and only a small fraction gets a decent review (unless you are either high-volume or you pay for magazine adverts). And even if it gets a review most users will never see that review before downloading.

And there is a big difference between wide sweeping positive and negative feedback. Positive feedback means they may well have used (and in the case of pay-for-software bought) the software. Negative feedback makes you want to (a) give up, (b) ignore it, or (c) try to see what they are getting at (hard to do accurately). The best option - see what they are trying to get at - could easily make you make a wrong decision for the program.

In regard to general feedback there is also something else that happens: you appear to get a lot more very positive and very negative feedback than maybe is representative of the people who have tried the program. This is perhaps natural: people who feel strongly are might likely to go to the effort of writing something? Certainly we've had some very positive feedback. How should this affect our view of the negative?


In our case I guess we will fix what we can and keep trying to get more feedback to decide whether the big things need fixing. We've just released "0.99.3", the third beta release for Mac and the first beta for Windows. It's just an incremental release from last week for Mac (fixes crash bugs) - but hopefully should give us some more feedback before we do anything drastic.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Start of March Update

We got a second Mac beta out on Tuesday. Rather caught up on us. Now are we trying to test the Windows version so we can beta test that as well.

I knew we had a crash problem in the Windows version. I suspect this is a code fault (I just confirmed that it is a bug in all versions). Last night I spent the night trying to get the debugger to work in Dev-C++ (normally the Windows version is compiled on a Mac, but for debugging I can't be bothered setting up the cross-machine gdb session). The problem was that it would use the project folder directory for the run session even though the executable was elsewhere ... which meant the associated files couldn't be found. This definately wasn't happening when I used it before with that project file. However I just couldn't find the setting to fix this. Some nights you just aren't productive. Tonight I'd fixed the problem in about 10 minutes by moving the project - a workaround that entirely solves the problem. Ah well.

In the meantime one of the HWC decoders is broken again. Arggg....

Back to the editor then...
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