Monday, June 12, 2006

Play-testing and Robot compilers

Zex is currently under play test. It so easy, especially when you have a bugs list, to just fix bugs and think it's done.

Part of the reason we do beta test releases is to get real play-test feedback. But it's critical that we actually use the software we are developing before doing alpha or beta test releases.

Then, after we think it's ok and release the test versions, the next thing is to fix the game-play problems identified. However, this is where the danger can be. You can do theoretical changes to a game and if you don't try them properly from the start of the game then they might easily make the game a lot less playable than before.


Also recently I've installed the gcc compiler for ARM for a robot I'm building. Just need to find 5 minutes to write some code for it now ... the hardware isn't all that far off. I already had my AVR compiler working.
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